Tell Me the Story of Jesus

 Tell Me the Story of Jesus
Cast & Script Sample
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 Cast & Scenes
(This is a flexible script. You can include all or some of the flashbacks, making your performance time fit your need.)
Introductory Scene - Salome, 3 Choir Ladies, Voice of Jesus (no one actually portrays Him on stage; the actors look out towards the audience as if they were speaking to Jesus and you hear His voice in response), James, John
Flashback 1 - Woman at the Well (Samaritan Woman, Voice of Jesus)
Flashback 2 - Healing of the Leper  (Leper, a Father, Mother & Daughter, Voice of Jesus)
Flashback 3 - The Centurion's Servant Healed (Centurion , Elder 1, Elder 2, Voice of Jesus)
Flashback 4 - Widow's Son Raised from the Dead (Woman 1 & 2, Widow, Man, Voice of Jesus, Boy, Crowd)
Flashback 5 - Jesus Blesses the Children (Several Mothers & Children, John, Judas, Peter,
Voice of Jesus, Other Disciples)
Flashback 6 - Zacchaeus (Man 1, Zacchaeus, Widow, Boy, Guard, Man 2)

 Act II
Narrators - James, John, Peter
Flashback 1 - Mary and Martha (Mary, Martha)
Flashback 2 - Judas and Caiaphas (Judas, Caleaders)
Flashback 3 - Peter's Denial (False witness, Caiaphas, Servant Girl, Peter, Voice of Jesus, 2 Men)
Flashback 4 - Pilate's Wife (Pilate's wife)
Flashback 5 - Judas Returns the Money (Judas, Caiaphas, 2 leaders)
Flashback 6 - Mary the mother of Christ (the Apostle John, Mary)
Flashback 7 - Mary Magdalene in the Garden (Mary Magdalene, Angel, Voice of Jesus) 
Script Sample
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